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About Us

Turning Interest Into Action

The co-founder, Fatima, wanted to start a giving circle that reflected her values, identity, and passions. The 11 founding members represent a wide range of talents, life experiences, passions, and abilities. Just as our founding members reflect a range of identities, we seek that in our membership. 


Collective 365 was established with the intent to unite individuals who want to invest, learn from, and celebrate Black & Brown communities. Collective 365 is composed of individuals who seek to support positive change and sustainability in communities of color in the DMV area (DC, Maryland, VA) by combining resources. Collective 365 is reimagining philanthropy by removing barriers for individuals to become philanthropists and those seeking funding. We do this by offering three types of memberships and providing grant funding and capacity building opportunities to our grant applicants. Our ability to support community sustainability is achieved when we center Black & Brown folks as decision makers and thought leaders in their communities. Collective 365 provides Black & Brown communities the platform to define their needs and solutions.


The members’ investments and donations from the community are used to support the grant fund. During the year the members attend educational & networking events to become informed and engaged community members.

Collective 365 11 Co-founders:

Felicia Baez Smith, Allison Gilbreath, Ryan Gilbreath, Jenaé Harrington, Julian L. Marsh II, Bianca Myrick, Abbey Philips, Frank Pitchford, Fatima M. Smith, Amanda Thompson, & Griff Yancey

Collective 365 Founding Board Members:

Abbey Philips, Allison Gilbreath, Amanda Thompson, Ashley Gaddy Robbins, Bianca Myrick, Felicia Baez Smith, Jenaé Harrington & Ryan Gilbreath

Rest & Joy Founding Advisory Board Members:

Abbey Philips, Bianca Myrick, Daryl Fraser, Fatima M. Smith, Jessica Smith, Kristin Lennox, Lenise Mazyck &  Vanessa Durrant


The Why

To give Black & Brown communities the support to define their needs and solutions.


Facilitate opportunities to learn about community needs through service engagement, educational and networking events in order to support the sustainability of communities of color through philanthropic giving.

Focus areas

Health | Education | Social Justice | Workforce Development

The How

1.  We focus on the root causes of economic, racial, and social injustice.

2. We strive to include the people who are impacted by those injustices as leaders and decision-makers.

3. We also aim to make the field of philanthropy more accessible and diverse.

4. We are accountable, transparent, and responsive in their grant-making.

(source: resource generation)

Board of Directors

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Fatima M. Smith, MSW


I wanted to create a way to celebrate & invest in Black & Brown folks who are doing dope things in their community. I knew I wanted to do something that put trust in those doing the work and saw that what was being done was not working. 

 "I don’t break the rules, I just challenge them”

- Ella Baker

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Alana Glover, Esq.

I want to be involved in an organization that turns “interest into action.”  This organization is not only an organization that discusses the issues facing Black and brown communities, it focuses on actually providing financial support and resources to these communities.  Collective 365 is committed to more than just identifying problems, Collective 365 is committed to solving them.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”

-James Baldwin

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Bianca Myrick
(Board President)

 I wanted to be a part of changing the face of philanthropy, specifically as it relates to decreasing funding barriers for black and brown organizations.

There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you

-Maya Angelou

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Click On Their Images To Learn More

Meet the people
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Sarah Jane Brubaker, PhD

I appreciate opportunities outside of academia to support social
change and work toward social justice, and to work with organizations that develop and celebrate innovative and equitable ways of doing their work.

“You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you
have to do it all the time.”

-Angela Davis

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Natisha Knight
(Board Vice President)

The mission and vision of the organization align with my personal values. Collective 365 gives ownership and decision making power to the very people best equipped to make decisions to uplift and empower Black and Brown communities.  

“You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I’ll rise.”

― Maya Angelou, And Still I Rise

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Patrick “Paddy” Link 
(Board Treasurer)

As someone who has worked in traditional non-profit fundraising spaces, I know the many barriers put up that prevent people from accessing funds for their cause. Often these barriers disproportionately affect Black and Brown folks, and I saw an opportunity here to even the scales in a game-changing way. I wanted to utilize my non-profit skills that I have built over my career for an organization I truly believe in!

“Go out on a limb, that’s where the fruit is!” and “If you never spread your wings, you never learn to fly"

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I believe in community.  I believe that we have within our community a collective of individuals and organizations that can do great things with and for our community.  I love giving back, and I love serving MY community.

"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly."

- Langston Hughes

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    Emma Yackso, MSW, LCSW
    (Board Secretary)

    It’s time to build something different--a way of getting money directly into black and brown communities through organizations that are of, and genuinely committed to lifting their folks up. 

     “Even when the truth isn’t hopeful, the telling of it is.”

    - Andrea Gibson

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    Abbey Philips, MSW

     I find a lot of daily inspiration in the work I see happening in the community, but oftentimes that work is not invested in or celebrated. Collective 365 is raising the bar in how we approach equitable investments and philanthropy while giving its membership and grantees a meaningful opportunity to continue building community. This work is essential to equity and uplifting voices and I am so honored to play a role in expanding this mission and vital work.

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    Kheila Jones, MPA

    Investing in our communities is the baseline for achiving social and economic equality. Collective365 provides an platform for me to promote economic growth amongst black and brown communities and foster an environment to perpetuate generational wealth. 

    "Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't work out, just take another shot."

    - Unknown

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      Sean Smith

      I joined Collective 365 because I’m personally committed to ensuring that the 90% of BIPOC-led businesses and organizations that fail within the first year due to a lack of funding have equitable access to the resources and funding they need to thrive and positively impact their communities.

       “Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.”

      - James Baldwin,

      Notes of a Native Son

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      Aaliyah Lambert

      I would like to be a part of "bridge" between black and brown communities when handling conditions that effect how a community thrives and sustains itself. Collective 365 is asking the questions: "What do you need?" and "How can we help?" then proceeding to provide the appropriate resoures to ensure that these communities are seen and have what they need to continue sustainable growth.

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      Tiffany Williams

      I joined Collective 365 because I am inspired by the legacy of my friend, Luc Severe, who created opportunities for nonprofits and businesses that are traditionally disenfranchised. 

       “You are your best thing.”

      - Toni Morrison

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      Fatima Yousofi

      I've spent most of my life in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia, and I proudly identify as a DMV native.  Throughout my decade-long journey in the public and nonprofit sectors, I've seen firsthand how many well-meaning governments and NGOs often overlook the very communities most affected by their policies or that they intend to serve: communities that are often disproportionally made up of people of color, like me.  I've also witnessed time and time again how the most transformative changes in these spaces are usually led by advocates from within these black and brown communities.  This is what drew me to Collective 365's mission as an organization that doesn't just acknowledge the communities affected by economic, racial, and social disparities but is committed to amplifying their voices.  Given my background in philanthropic research, I was also impressed and inspired by Collective 365's drive to make the sector more inclusive and diverse, ensuring it truly mirrors the communities it often aims to serve.  I'm excited and honored to contribute to such a challenging but essential cause.

       “Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.”


      "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

      - Maya Angelou

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      General and Voting Members

      Alan Delbridge

      Alesha Wilson

      Alexandra Boone

      Alexsis Rodgers

      Allison LoCicero

      Amanda Long

      Amanda Pohl

      Amber Vernon

      Amy Peck Abraham

      Anderson Hayes

      Angela Brown

      Anisha Walker

      Anitha Pai

      Anna Danese

      Dr. Anthony D. Sandifer

      Ashley Dobson

      Becca Richardson

      Becky Odor

      Catherine Estevez

      Catherine Foca

      Chantel Williams

      Charles Holloway

      Chloe Edwards

      Cindy Hutcherson

      Clair Koroma

      Crystolyn Macklin

      Dana Shields

      Dana Walker

      Danielle Gilbert

      Daryl Fraser

      Donte McCutchen

      Edward Gerardo

      Elizabeth Wong

      Emily Yeatts

      Emmanuel Caudillo

      Fabrizio Fasulo

      Fatima Yousofi

      Geoff LoCicero

      George Kelly

      Haliya Roberts

      Hannah Robbins

      Hollee Freeman

      Isabel Eljaiek

      Jackie Robinson Brock

      Jameson Babb

      Jennifer Young

      Jessica Forsythe

      Johnathaan Pannell

      Johnetta Guishard

      Joni Celiz

      Joy Shaw

      Justin Shreve

      Karen Brown-Davis

      Kayla Brockington

      Kelly Thomasson

      Kenda Sutton-EL

      Kennith C Waller

      Kenton Sneed

      Khadijah Williams

      Kheila Jones

      Kimberly Parker

      Kisha Webster

      Kristin Faison

      Laurin Stamps

      Leigh Busby

      Lindsay Lane Robinson

      Lisa Amazigo

      Lisa Hicks

      Lisa Jobe-Shields

      Liz Canfield

      Lizzie Garrett

      Marie Cornwall

      Marisa Harriston

      Marlo A. Quarles

      Mary Kwak

      Mervyn Han

      Michelle Waller

      Mie Strickler

      Natalie Evans Harris

      Natalie Garramone

      Nicole "Nicki" Lynn Lee, PhD

      Nikieta Lambert

      Nishaun Battle

      Patricia Bradby

      Patrick Belcher

      Patrick Link

      Preston Roy

      Rachael Deane

      Rachel Gallagher

      Raleigh Layne

      Ralph Grove

      Rashad Richardson

      Rebecca Carter

      Robert L Dortch Jr

      Robin Gahan

      Sabrina Jordan

      Sarah Milston

      Sean Smith

      Dr. Serelda Herbin

      Shandra Claiborne

      Shannon Britt Sneed

      Shannon Jeffries

      Shantell Chambliss

      Shelton Akande

      Sonya Hough

      Stephanie Mace

      Taikein Cooper

      Tally Botzer

      Tamanika Williams

      Tara FitzPatrick

      Tasha Chambers

      Tishaun Harris Ugworji

      Twyla Twyla Garrett

      Valerie Liggins

      Vanessa Durrant

      Victor McKenzie, Jr

      Whitnee Liverpool Cummins

      Yolanda Avent

      Zena Collins

      Zipporah Levi-Shackleford

      Thanks for submitting!

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