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Become a Member Today

Start (or expand) your philanthropy legacy with Collective 365. We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work. Collective 365 is a network of individuals who want to learn, invest, and celebrate communities of color.

General  Member

Investment of $0-$49

Give your time and talent. Membership for 2023-2024 begins March 2, 2023 and concludes March 1, 2024. Membership is on an annual basis.

Voting Member

Investment of $50 or more

Voting Members vote on how grant funding is awarded. Membership for 2023-2024 begins March 2, 2023 and concludes March 1, 2024. Membership is on an annual basis.

Board Member

3 year commitment

Board members help recruit General, Voting, and Board Members; oversee fiduciary decision making; and advance the mission of the organization. Investment of $100 or more


Individuals who have an interest in learning, educating, and investing through service and philanthropy are welcome to apply.


Our goal is to award at least $30,000, so we encourage everyone to join at the $100 level. If you need more time to budget, you can give at the $50 level now and make an additional investment when the time is right for you. Individuals can join any time; however, the deadline to join as a "voting member" and cast a vote for the current grant cycle is March 1. 

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